This project is on participatory generation of food security related policy issues. Specifically, it seeks to empower smallholder farmers through their organisations to demand better policies on post-harvest losses and strategic food reserves. The project is mainly funded by European Union with matching grant from Agriterra and is implemented until April 2015 in Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya. The partners in this project include MVIWATA, TRIAS, UNFFE, KENAFF and EAFF. In Tanzania the project is implemented in Simanjiro (Manyara region), Hai (Kilimanjaro region) and Monduli (Arusha region).
The Overall Objective of the project is: To contribute to the empowerment of smallholders’ participation in food security related policy processes in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.
Specific objectives are:-
1. Increased capacities of Farmers’ Organizations (FO’s) in preparing policy proposals and influencing policy processes, based on the views, needs and concerns of their grass-root members.
2. Accountable, feasible and well-informed policy proposals on Strategic Food Reserves (SFR) and Post-Harvest Losses (PHL) generated through piloting of the PGPP method.
3. Increased consultation and networking amongst the participating FO’s on relevant policy issues at different levels.