Convening Farmers’ Forums for Identifying, Discussing and Strategizing on Smallholder Farmers Issues

Lack of a strong organization of smallholder farmers in the country due to collapse of cooperatives in the 1980’s, Exclusion of smallholder farmers from decision making of matters that touch the welfare of smallholder farmers and Under-representation or complete lack of representation of smallholder farmers in decision making bodies were among the reasons for MVIWATA’s  establishment in 1993. Ever since its establishment MVIWATA has been able to convene farmers’ forums through its groups and networks from grassroots level to national and international level.

Portrayed above are leaders of smallholder farmers, promoters and members of MVIWATA in Nzega district having a group photo after a fruitful grassroots network meeting aimed at strategizing and advancing their advocacy issues especially on how to increase MVIWATA members and outreach among smallholder farmers, secure reliable markets, increase farmers’ bargaining power and access to market information which will allow them to sell their products at the most profitable time.

Farmers’ groups and networks’ meeting within MVIWATA are a reliable platform for smallholder farmers to identify issues facing them, discuss and strategize in having strong representation in decision making bodies and matters that touch the welfare of smallholder farmers.

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